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Reaching the Children of Oklahoma with the Gospel of Christ

“So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one

of these little ones should perish”

– Matthew 18:14 (ESV)

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Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in the local church for Christian living. CEF Oklahoma does this through our local ministry programs such as the Good News Club, a weekly after-school club for elementary-age children held in schools, churches, and community centers across the state of Oklahoma, as well as our summer program, the 5-Day Club.


CEF has many different ministries for children, but the primary programs are Good News Club and the 5-Day Club.


CEF provides classes to train their workers and other Christians who are burdened for evangelizing children.


CEF Press produces and distributes Bible and missionary lessons and related materials for use in teaching children to help accomplish the goals of the ministry.

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Transforming Lives For 79 Years

Child Evangelism Fellowship has more open doors to reach children for Christ than ever. The times are urgent and the work is vital. We long to reach 100 million children each year with the Gospel of Christ. We’re grateful for our heritage but even more excited about what the Lord will do in our future.

Training Multiplies Ministry

How far would you travel to learn how to reach children with the Gospel? Recently in Madrid, Spain a training course was taught over a series of five Saturdays. Three ladies from Castellón traveled the 560-mile round trip every Saturday! Now they are reaching out to children in open-air meetings and evangelizing children in Sunday school. One of these ladies led Merche (age 11) to the Lord.


The Most Urgent Calling

669—This is not the number of children whom we could reach with the Gospel message during summer time in our area of Armenia. It is the number of children whom Sir Nicholas Winton saved from death during World War II.


Together for the Children of Mexico

Oscar was only 12 years old and worked selling jicamas (a root commonly eaten in Mexico) in the Tlahuac market in Mexico City. When CEF national missionary Mayté Serralta saw him, his careful work caught her attention. He was cutting each jicama in the shape of a lollipop then decorating it with colored sugar.


Did CEF Help You?

Please share your story of how any of the ministries of Child Evangelism Fellowship® (Good News Club®, 5-Day Club®, etc.) impacted you as a child and how God is working in your life today as a result.